My Insurance
My Insurance
Insurance Declaration Proof
You must maintain your own full coverage auto insurance.

Your declaration Page needs to reflect the following:
$500 Deductible (no higher)
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage through account payoff.
Loss payee as follows:
Newport Acceptance Corporation
P.O. Box 3668
Tustin, CA 92781-3668

Provide us your declaration
Ask your insurance agent to email you your declaration page
Review it. Make sure it meets the above requirements and keep it with your records
Email it to or use the form below to attach and email to us.
Call us to confirm your policy or if you have questions.
Send Us Your Insurance Declaration
If You Fail To Obtain Insurance
If you fail to obtain the required auto insurance, we may legally purchase insurance to protect the vehicle. The cost of this insurance will be added to your loan balance, and your payment will increase to reflect the new amount.
Your best interests are served by securing your own full-coverage insurance as soon as possible.
The coverage is issued through Ohio Indemnity Company, a licensed California insurer.
The policy only covers the vehicle securing your account. It does not satisfy California’s liability insurance requirement. If you fail to maintain separate liability coverage, your vehicle registration may be canceled and your vehicle may be impounded by law enforcement.
You most likely can purchase insurance for a lower annual premium than we can secure under this program. When you buy insurance, your broker / insurer has access to your driving record and other factors that help identify the risks they are covering. However when we add insurance, Ohio Indemnity Company does not have that information and the premiums reflect their increased risk.
You will incur significant additional interest expense on your account if you choose not to pre-pay for the full 12-month period of coverage. By default the 12-month insurance policy will be charged to you over the remaining life of your contract to minimize your monthly expense. YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT INCREASE DOES NOT COVER THE MONTHLY INSURANCE COST AND RELATED INTEREST. WHEN THE 12-MONTH POLICY EXPIRES, YOUR PAYMENT WILL NOT RETURN TO THE ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED PAYMENT.
- Please carefully review the certificate and policy cover letter we send you so you understand the total costs and payment options.
No, neither your insurance identification card nor your application form will satisfy your responsibility.
Send us your Declaration Page showing the correct full coverage insurance requirement. Once we have received the Declaration Page with the correct coverage, your insurance requirement will be satisfied.
As stated in your contract, you are required to maintain insurance on your vehicle throughout the duration of your account until payoff. Your insurance policy must have Newport Acceptance Corporation as the loss payee.
Check with your insurance agent. Make sure our insurance requirements are met. You are responsible to provide us your Declaration Page showing full coverage insurance as follows:
- $500 Deductible (no higher)
- Comprehensive and Collision Coverage through account payoff.
- Loss payee as follows:
Newport Acceptance Corporation
P.O. Box 3668
Tustin, CA 92781-3668
If you fail to obtain the required insurance, we may legally purchase insurance to protect the vehicle. Read more here.
Upload it here or email it to us at Call us at (800) 353-5886 to confirm receipt.
Yes. You are responsible for making your regular monthly payments until the account is paid off. You should contact your insurance company to begin the claims process.
If your vehicle was damaged in an accident, please contact us at (800) 353-5886 regarding your account.
Liability Insurance Coverage is for damage done to other vehicles or injuries to other people that you’re legally obligated to cover.
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage goes beyond liability insurance and covers the repair or replacement expenses to the vehicle after any accident, theft, vandalism, weather, fire, or other events.
As the lienholder on the vehicle, we require Comprehensive and Collision Coverage to protect our interest in the vehicle until the account is paid in full and closed.
Still Have Questions?
Call our toll-free Account Servicing
number for more information:
(800) 353-5886.